Provide a straightforward way to enhance customer financial security by offering micro life insurance. Stand out in the banking market and give your institution an additional marketing lever to pull.
Seamlessly integrate Life Benefit with minimal effort into your banking system. Life Benefit Utilizes existing procedures and can be implemented in as little as 30 days.
By partnering with Wysh, you get support navigating the complexities of banking compliance. Our team helps ensure that your marketing and operational practices adhere to regulations effortlessly.
Adding Life Benefit provides additional flexibility for managing your deposit costs and unique differentiator as you navigate crediting costs through rate changes.
Capture more than 106 million Americans that are not adequately protected*. *LIMRA Insurance Barometer Study, 2022.
Life Benefit offers a highly visual and user-friendly interface, making it easier for your customers to understand and appreciate the value of their banking experience coupled with life insurance benefits.
Strengthen customer relations by providing an added layer of financial protection worth up to $10,000. With up to 10% of life insurance coverage on deposits, you can offer peace of mind in an innovative package.
Build stronger relationships with your customers. Life Benefit's innovative approach to integrating life insurance with banking boosts customer confidence and loyalty.